East Cambridge Savings Bank was proud to sponsor the first annual Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) Chip-In for Charity Golf Tournament. Proceeds from the tournament benefited the MAPS senior center, one of the many services the Cambridge-based nonprofit provides for the community. Representing the Bank as golfers were Board members Joe Amoroso, Dan Leone, and Art Spears, as well as Chief Lending Officer Tim Bombard.
Bank employees also attended the lunch after the tournament including President and Chief Executive Officer Gilda Nogueira who shared remarks with attendees. “Our bank has a long and proud relationship with the Portuguese community. From our beginnings in East Cambridge to our growth in surrounding communities, generations of Portuguese Americans and Portuguese immigrants-both as customers and employees-have fueled the growth and success of our institution,” said Nogueira. “MAPS and East Cambridge Savings Bank share a commitment to supporting our communities, especially our senior citizens. It is inspiring to see so many members of the Cambridge business community come together to support the MAPS senior center.”
The tournament, which took place at the Juniper Hills Golf Club in Northborough, raised over $40,000 for the MAPS senior center.