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East Cambridge Savings Bank will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day. Digital Banking and ATMs will be available for your banking needs.

We believe that our distinct privilege as a mutual community bank is to invest in the success of our neighbors and the local community. This is why we always prefer to build long-term partnerships genuinely designed around your success: when you succeed, we all succeed.

And it's no mystery that our local economy's prosperity is directly helped by the number of independent businesses operating in our communities. As an advocate of the shop local movement, investing in the success of our business clients is at the core of our operations. So if your business could use a great partner in lending, we would love to hear from you.

Our promise to you: We'll be easy to communicate with, available when you need us, and our lending solutions will be designed to help your bottom line, not ours. Kindly contact one of our lenders to discuss upgrading your financial relationship to East Cambridge.

State Treasurer's Small Business Banking Partnership
East Cambridge Savings Bank is participating in the State Treasurer's Small Business Banking Partnership program.

The Small Business Banking Partnership initiative will shift at least $100 million in state deposits under the control of the Treasurer to qualifying Massachusetts banks to promote small business loans. The partnership aims to move money currently deposited in out-of-state banks into local community banks at the forefront of providing funds to creditworthy small businesses to help them expand and create new jobs.

As a participating bank, East Cambridge Savings Bank has already provided over $55.4 million in loans to small businesses throughout its local communities.

Small Business Express Loan
  • Streamlined loan application process
  • Term Loans and Lines of Credit available from $5,000 to $250,000
  • Cash Reserve Line of Credit up to $25,000
  • Payments automatically withdrawn from your East Cambridge account
Working Capital Lines of Credit
  • 12-month borrowing period
  • Designed to be flexible and available for your business needs
Term Loans
  • For financing new equipment, expanding operations, and other long-term goals or projects
  • Available in a wide range of maturities from 1 to 10 years
  • Easy to understand interest and repayment schedules
Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans
  • Flexible terms and low-interest rates for those who qualify
  • Designed to help your business or start-up grow and prosper
Letters of Credit
  • Secure credit, guarantee payment, or transact business knowing you're backed by East Cambridge Savings Bank
  • Written and applicable for up to 1 year
Cash Reserve
  • Provides you and your business with a line of credit up to $25,000 should your business checking account become overdrawn
  • Easy to understand terms and repayment, a Cash Reserve line offers a valuable cushion for our business clients 

East Cambridge at Your Service

  • Seth Felix Image

    Seth Felix

    VP, Commercial Lending Officer
    Email Seth
  • Stephen Ferullo Image

    Stephen Ferullo

    SVP, Sr. Commercial Lending Officer
    Email Stephen
  • Ryan Johnson Image

    Ryan Johnson

    VP, Commercial Lending Officer
    Email Ryan
  • Rick Sullivan Image

    Rick Sullivan

    SVP, Commercial Lending Officer
    Email Rick
  • Lynn M. Wahlquist Image

    Lynn M. Wahlquist

    VP, Commercial Lending Officer
    Email Lynn