June 21, 2018

Event image Photo: Medford Mayor and East Cambridge Savings Board Member Stephanie M. Burke visits the ECSB table at Circle the Square

For the third year in a row, East Cambridge Savings Bank was proud to support the annual Circle the Square festival in Medford. Our team enjoyed welcoming Medford residents to this annual summer event organized by CACHE in Medford. CACHE (Coalition for Arts, Culture, and a Healthy Economy) is a nonprofit coalition that advocates for arts in Medford and aims to make the city a more vibrant and enjoyable place to live.

Circle the Square is CACHE's annual summer festival that brings art, live music, and entertainment to Medford Square. Our team mixed hands on art with financial literacy by hosting a piggy bank decorating station at our table. Nearly 400 people young and old stopped by our table to decorate and take home their own bank proving it's never too early (or late!) to start saving.